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An Essassani Story


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Session Date: 6-19-11  

Location: Los Angeles

About events that exist within Bashar's reality and how they relate to Earth's reality. How the archetypes of stories are anchored in the framework of existence.

Q&A includes: How can we use story-structure to teach children? How can I change the belief that following my excitement will be nothing but a "goose-chase?", Do we really need to eat food? How can I overcome my unwanted childhood memories? How do the bible's stories relate to our human story as seen by extra-terrestrials? What is the secret function of goose-bumps? How do ETs and films reflect the mass agreement of society? Includes a HOLOTOPE EXPERIENCE and a Father's Day appreciation for Bashar.

Includes a HOLOTOPE Guided Meditation A Transformative Experience of Light, Color and Sound. DVD recommended due to Holotope Meditation visuals.


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