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Changing Core Beliefs


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Session Date: 4-30-06

This 4 hour workshop is powerful and amazing! Core beliefs are the blueprint from which we manifest our reality and Bashar takes us deeper than ever before into the process of identifying and transforming your core beliefs. Through two powerful GUIDED MEDITATIONS and several unique visual tools and exercises, Bashar provides you with a process and a protocol designed to change your mental patterns and bring to the surface any core beliefs that are limiting your experience of life. This workshop introduces us to a new level of the transformative neurological tools that are representative of the advanced knowledge and insights that Bashar's civilization brings to us from the future! It is designed to help you access the deepest levels of your consciousness and move to a more gratifying level of the physical reality experience.

Q&A: Identifying your highest excitement. Understanding what "definition" is and examples of core beliefs. Using fear to uncover core beliefs. Going back to the fundamental blueprint of beliefs. Being aware of and respecting limiting beliefs. Bashar recommends three books to help you understand your relationship with God and your Soul. Changing your frequency to access past lives and parallel realities. The conditions necessary for healing to occur. Collapsing time and space in order to access other dimensions. Love as the fabric of existence itself. Seeing the number 11:11 repeatedly. Increasing your manifestation power by dropping expectation. Examples of core beliefs. The psychological impact of contact with accelerated ET's. Did Judas betray Jesus? Losing one's passion for living. Belief that you wont' be loved and the self perpetuating nature of beliefs. The illusion of power vs. the power of the illusion. Positive ways of parenting teenagers. Orbs in photographs, what they are and why they are here. Out of body experience on a space craft. A deeper understanding of why fear is experienced with ET contact.


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