Digital Download FAQ's
Using iPad/iPhone to enjoy Bashar downloads
If you only click the download link through your Apple device, you will not be saving the file and the link will expire shortly. We cannot reactivate links for the purpose of continued enjoyment on mobile devices, so please be sure to properly download and save the files to your computer first. Then you will be able to sync the file to your Apple device and enjoy over and over again. Please email us at for a one-time reactivation of your link so that you may properly download the file.
My Link Expired
The link we send you only allows you to save the file to your computer. If you open the file instead of saving it, you will lose access after a certain number of listening attempts. In order to have the file for your permanent enjoyment, you must save the file to your computer, then open it via your media player of choice. Please email us at for reactivation of your link so that you may properly download the file.
Saving the File to Other Mobile Devices
Due to the vast number of different devices, if you are unable to save the download to your mobile device, the best source of information is the manufacturer's instructions or tech support. Please email us at if you need your link reactivated in order to save.
My download is taking forever to complete.
This may be a connection speed issue. It is best to stop your download, close all other programs/windows and then start the download again. Also, consider downloading the file during non-peak internet use hours as your service provider may be running slower at those times. Please email us at for reactivation of your link so that you may properly download the file.
My hard drive crashed and I've lost all of my downloads. Help!
It's our policy to resend links for all items purchased within the last six months, free of charge. We offer a 50 percent discount to repurchase items after that six-month period. Please email us at and include the name(s) and email address(es) used to make your purchases. We will review your account and get back to you with a plan.