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Shifting Realities - MP4 Video Download

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What are those glimpses that we sometimes get of other parallel realities? What about the other versions of ourselves that we sometimes get hints of? What about the "past" and "future" selves on other planets or in other times and places on Earth? What are those all about, and what can we do with them? In Shifting Realities, Bashar will talk about how easy it is for the experience of different realities to bleed through, allowing us to choose which timelines we'd like to experience, so we can very consciously choose the reality we prefer as we move forward on our life's path.

Session Date:  December 21, 2024
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Session Length: 2 Hour, 15 min

Q&A includes:

• Can you describe a few bleed through events from modern history?
• Is there a reality where Christmas was never celebrated in the western world?
• You have said in the past that nuclear events would punch holes in other realities. If that is the case, does our sun do the same thing?
• Why does fingerprint ID no longer work for me? Am I shifting realities with another identity with different finger prints?
• How will I know that I’ve switched timelines?
• Is it possible to shift from one reality to the next without experiencing death?
• Why is it so complicated for us humans to shift to a reality we prefer?
• Was I visited by a being I contacted in a CE5 meditation?
• Should we make an effort to clear the past or simply let go and move on?
• What are some useful tools to access our parallel lives?
• What is going on when physical items simply disappear from our reality?
• Can I create a reality where my ideal person appears?
• What key elements in stories are essential to resonate with our psyches?
• Are we actually speaking with you in these interactions or are we speaking with our higher minds?
• How can I engage in meaningful conversations with family members with opposing viewpoints without feeling hurt?
• How can both people in a relationship have free will?
• Will following the formula always lead us to the best possible outcome of first contact?
• How can I act on my passion for its own sake and not for outside validation?
• What is a sign that I have actually let go of my limiting beliefs?
• What are the drones sightings in the sky that have recently been happening?
• What is the best way to use the sacred circuits?
• How do we exist in the here and now and still be there for our future selves?
• Can a soul create a life path to experience a reality that is impossible to change, such as not being able to lose weight?
•  Do you have comedians on your planet?
•  Do you have comedians on your planet?
•  Can I use channeling to help my comedy material?
•  Are there souls that return to spirit during the death process that have to process things like a loss of innocence?
•  How can I use a greater percentage of my brain?
•  How do we prevent programmable AI from becoming sentient as you have advised in past transmissions?
•  Do your people have pets? What about other civilizations?
•  What is your definition of style?
•  What does it mean to be the glass wall?
•  What is the best way to communicate with people who are on unremorseful or depraved due to their negative beliefs?
•  Can you please explain more the concept of what you put out is what you get back?
•  When will the seeds that I planted lead to fruition?
•  Will there be an economic contraction?
•  Will cryptocurrency be the dominant monetary system in the future?
•  How can we have instant access to knowledge like you do?

And much more!




Includes a meditation exercise.



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