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Simultaneity & Connecting


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Session Date: 8-28-10  

Location: Sedona, AZ

PLEASE NOTE that for the first 12 minutes of Disk 2 there are audio technical difficulties. We decided to leave these questions in despite the audio issues because Bashar's responses are so valuable. We apologize for the inconvenience.

With Bashar 2,500 miles above Sedona, we gathered for this exciting event in which Bashar provides us with a unique understanding of how we create linear time and our experience of the past,  present and future. Using concepts from quantum physics, Bashar shares with us the truth behind the concepts of past lives and reincarnation, and then explains how we can use our multi-dimensional nature to effortlessly create major changes in our reality

Q&A Includes:

    Physical reality as a reflection.
    Questions about the hybridization program
    Understanding your connection to “past lives”
    Is pain necessary during the transformation process and what is its purpose?
    Why do we hold on to beliefs we don’t prefer?
    Having an underlying fear of success and feeling undeserving.
    Examples of redefining negative experiences you are having to gain a positive effect.
    An in-depth discussion of how you create interactions with other peoplein physical reality.
    The benefits of story telling and story structure in learning.
    Essassani wake-up stories.
    Bashar shares an in-depth description of one inner earth civilization and other aspects of inner earth.
    How our “master class” on Earth is like a game that we can enjoy.
    Teaching children what power truly is.
    The frequency Bashar gives off that we can match to experience more of our higher selves.
    Experiencing more of your connection to your oversoul.
    Accessing clearer information from your higher self.
    How to transform doubt.

The second part of this intensive begins with a Holotope guided meditation with Bashar. This meditation is designed to help you connect with your Oversoul and all the versions of yourself in all forms and all dimensions. Every expression of your consciousness is a beautiful crystal in the eternal ocean of awareness and this meditation lets you commune with all parts of yourself and with All That Is, increasing your ability to access other dimensions of yourself.  Following the meditation, Bashar shares an in-depth exploration  of the the nature of the Oversoul as part of the multi-verse and your specific relationship with your Oversoul representing your signature vibration. This discussion of the Oversoul reveals the structure of the Universe and your ability to access information from many different levels of reality.

Q&A Includes:

    Further exploration of the importance of choosing the right path during 2011 and 2012 to manifest your most desired reality.
    The meaning and significance of 2012.
    The possibility of open contact with extraterrestrials.
    Creating the new economy.
    A formula for creating the world one prefers.
    Suggestions for moving through a challenging experience of dis-ease in positive ways.
    Sharing an Oversoul with dolphins.  
    The  difference between true power and disempowerment.
    Discussion of indigo and crystal children, and of ADHD and autism.
    Gaining information from dreams.
    The courage to speak publicly.
    Bashar offers her a message from the elementals.
    Discussion of the Ascended Masters.
    The coming collapse of the old systems and what the new systems will look like.
    The role of the Internet.
    Acting on one’s excitement while honoring one’s belief system.
    Being your own worst boss.
    The oldest living individual on Earth.
    Discussion of permission slips and psychedelics.
    Why does excitement dissipate?
    The Gulf oil spill and global warming.
    The balancing of Earth’s energies.


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